Registration Form with Animated Bubbles Background Theme Free Project
☆ It is a registration form with animated bubbles background theme free project and source freely available on our website FreeProjects1 or our official Github page.
☆ In this project, We create a simple registration form using html CSS. and in this project, we have also use animated bubbles in background as a animated background theme.
☆ It is registration form using animated bubbles theme.
☆ In this project, First we create a section so that we can separate our code.
☆ After this, we create a simple html form using form tag inside of section tag.
☆ After this, we set all form tag inside form tag.
☆ Here we use label, input or button tag inside form tag.
☆ label tag is use for defined all label names, input tag is use for take input from the user as runtime, or button tag is use for create a submit button so that user can send filled data on server.
☆ After this, we design our form using CSS and also we set some html5 validation.
☆ After this, We create bubbles using animation and we control all the bubbles by using JavaScript.
☆ For creating bubbles, we create span tag with the help of JavaScript and then and we set the position of our created span tag using CSS and then we control it's size, number of span tag that are created at run time with the help of JavaScript.
☆ Finally, We create a registration form in html and design it using CSS. and We create a bubbles using JavaScript and set these bubbles in background so that it's looking animated bubbles theme.
☆ Used language are: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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