Background Color Animation Free Project
☆ It is a background color animation free project and source code available on our website FreeProjects1 or our official Github page.
☆ In this project, you will see that colors automatically changes and move like a slide effect and text are rotating and on mouse hover, it will stop rotate.
☆ It is free open source project, source code freely available.
☆ In this project, first we use 'ul' tag of HTML and we use 'li' tag also inside the 'ul' tag.
☆ we create 10 li tag inside of ul tag because we want to create 10 slide using li tag.
☆ we write some text on fifth and sixth li tag and different class name so that we can add rotate effect on these li tags.
☆ After this, we add animation effect on all the li tag that is inside of ul tag of Hyper Text Markup Language.
☆ within animation effect, we also use different color animation effect.
☆ and animation move forwards with different color spectrum.
☆ and fifth and sixth li slide are rotating with the help of another animation effect.
☆ and whenever we move our mouse on the fifth and sixth li slide, it will stop rotating and whenever we move out our mouse on it, than it will again start rotate.
☆ Finally, we create a background color animation effect free project, in this project, colors are changing and also move forwards within some li slides are rotating and on move over it will stop rotate.
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